
High-intensity interval training is best for older people

Published October 2020

A study has found that high-intensity interval training is best for older people’s fitness and quality of life if it is done correctly. Read more here.

Motoring to be made easier for disabled drivers by Highways England

Published October 2020

New additions and initiatives are being introduced to aid disabled drivers to easily use motorways and A-roads. Carry on reading to find out more.

Socially distanced family day out ideas

Published September 2020

Looking for some fresh ideas for a family day out? Discover our top suggestions for day out ideas that allow you to stay socially distanced in the UK.

How to have a holiday at home

Published September 2020

Want to enjoy a holiday but don’t fancy going away right now? Make sure to read our guide, full of top tips, for how to have a relaxing holiday at home.

Study finds yoga improves balance and mobility in older people

Published September 2020

Yoga has been identified as an exercise that can improve an older person’s mobility and balance, but it is still unclear if it can reduce the risk of falls in the older age group.

Preventing loneliness by connecting with others

Published September 2020

As suggested by News Mobility, discover six top tips for preventing loneliness by connecting with others, including joining a club and volunteering.