Top tips for relocating

Top tips for relocating

There are many reasons people choose to be last time movers and it is a trend that is happening with more frequency in recent years. Some people choose to move closer to a holiday destination they have loved for years, while others may wish to be nearer family and possibly grandchildren. Occasionally people move due to their current home’s unsuitability for their current needs. Many people find their needs changing as they grow older and often the property they live in isn’t suitable and they need to install a curved stairlift or a specialised bathroom.

This leaves many in the position for the last time move, and there is a lot of pressure to pick the correct property and area. Many do not intend to move again due to stress or finances. However once you have chosen the property you want to move in, actually preparing to move can cause inconveniences of its own, so for a smoother experience, follow our top tips.

Reduce your belongings

Packing can be a long and arduous process, especially if you have lived in your property for years. The first thing to do is to decide what you love and will keep, and what can be donated, given away or sold.

Any bulky furniture that is too large for the new property should be the first to go. If it is in good condition, consider selling it. There are many online sites and apps that can help you easily sell unwanted items. If you are on Facebook, the social media has a market place platform where you can upload an image and price it. People who are interested can message you to negotiate price and pick up.

For smaller items, if you wish to sell them, they can also be advertised on online platforms or alternatively consider a local Car Boot Sale. By reducing the amount you own, not only will there be fewer items to pack but you will have less of a struggle to fit them into your new home.

Organise My House agrees with a good declutter beforehand and even suggests areas you may otherwise forget:

“If you declutter every part of your home (and I’m talking about the loft, the garage, and the shed in this as well as the rooms inside the main house), then you get to grips with what you have.
You can see what you are going to be moving into your new home, and really decide if you need it at all any longer.”

Ask for help

Trying to do everything by yourself can seem impossible and if you struggle with limited mobility, you could hurt yourself trying to move heavy items. Instead look for some outside help. If you have the funds, professional movers are always a good idea.

If you are looking for cheaper options tell friends and family who are willing to help in advance. The sooner people know, the more likely they will keep the day free. Remember you may need people to help you clean, especially if you struggle to get into the nooks and crannies and while strong backs may be useful for hauling boxes, a different friend may be better to dust the skirting board. Asking people and being clear what you would like them to help with will ensure no one feels over worked.

Realtor has a great post about how to keep a delicate balance between efficiency and friendship as well as suggestions of suitable rewards once the hard work is done.

Start early

As soon as you know you are moving, that is the time to start collecting the essential things for packing. Keeping an eye out for sturdy boxes, newspaper, bubble wrap and clear labels will make the entire process smoother in the long run. A Thrifty Mrs is determined that a little organisation pays off when it comes to supplies:

“Pick up newspapers from trains, buses and work, also ask friends to chuck their old newspapers in your direction instead of the recycling bin. Newspapers are excellent for wrapping plates, glasses etc and scrunched at the bottom of a box they cushion delicate items well. My work place gives out a free commuter newspaper every day so I nab at least three a day and add them to the stupidly tall pile of papers that I have delivered each day anyway. They’ve come in incredibly handy.”

The blog also has great tips for packing, with a like-for-like system and a handy packing plan to keep you on track:

“As you pack a box make a list of everything that is in it and tape the list to outside of the box. Give the box (and list) a number (write the number large and bold on all sides of the box) then keep a duplicate list in a plastic wallet so you can see what is in every box without having to open it”.

Find people in your new area

If you are moving to a new area, it can seem daunting. Once your house is unpacked and life is a little more settled, the worry that you won’t know anyone can creep in. This is now easily overcome with the help of the internet and social media.

Looking into groups in the area that you would enjoy participating in and contacting the organisers is a quick way to give your social life a kick. It will also ensure that all the confidence you have in your old house hasn’t worn off post move, when it is tempting to skip meeting all the new people.

Often towns will have a group on social media such as Facebook. This will be a forum that they share news for town events as well as other useful knowledge. Joining this kind of group will not only give you a grounding of the social calendar but will help to get to know people. It is also a great place to get recommendations, so if you need a builder or a hairdresser but are not sure who is reliable, it is a mine of local knowledge.

This news article is from Companion Stairlifts. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only.

Image Credit: Nathan O’Nions